24 Mar 2018 (Baños, Ecuador): I am unequivocally sick today. I’ve got a fever and I’m achey. We’re supposed to go white water rafting this morning! I insisted that Leah go without me, and I stayed in bed and tried to chill and sleep and drink liquids. She had a blast and fell out of […]
Day 79
25 Mar 2018 (very near Volcán Cotopaxi, Ecuador): We’re staying at a beautiful hacienda near the Cotopaxi volcano (visible in the background — I think this was the only glimpse I got of it through the clouds). The altitude here is higher than Quito but not quite up to Cusco. In other words, it’s legit […]
Day 80
26 Mar 2018 (very near Volcán Cotopaxi, Ecuador): Whelp, this is sick-Alex. I didn’t sleep a single minute last night (this was definitely the untreated altitude), none of my symptoms are any better, and this afternoon we’re heading back to Quito. Leah went on a horse ride. I did more bed-laying and fire-sitting and tea-drinking. […]
Day 81
27 Mar 2018 (Pilchicocha, Ecuador): We’re on a 4-night-3-day trip into the rainforest, and right out of the gate we see squirrel monkeys passing directly above us. They have bright yellow hands and feet, and they travel through the canopy in groups of up to 200.
Day 82
28 Mar 2018 (Pilchicocha, Ecuador): The days here include intermittent downtime in the surprisingly loud jungle and of course, lots of nature walks. On one of them, we spotted by far the largest spider I’ve ever seen out of a cage. Our nature guide told us a bunch of stuff about the species and then […]
Day 83
29 Mar 2018 (Pilchicocha, Ecuador): The jungle is just so freakin’ lush. Something is growing on everything. This is a gigantic kapok tree that towers above everything around it a mere 30-minute canoe ride away, and they’ve built a lookout post right into it. We woke up at 4:45 this morning to peep some early […]