30 Mar 2018 (Quito, Ecuador): We got hooked up with a Jewish community in Quito, and we went to Kabbalat Shabbat at the synagouge and seder at the rabbi’s backyard. It was kind of awesome. The food was excellent, and there were a ton of children running around talking and knocking things over and riding some kind of plastic car down the driveway all while the rabbi just plowed through the whole service. I snuck a not-very-good pic of my favorite part. The man in the middle donned an Egyptian pharaoh hat and the two little girls dressed like shepherds enacted each of the plagues upon him. He made lots of faces and otherwise acted-out receiving each one. It was brilliant. And this little boy in the foreground from the table next to us was very interested in everyone at our table. We may have been the 20s-30s international cool table, but honestly I think I would have prefered to sit at the grumpy-old-beard-stroking-men-in-the-corner table. Some day.
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