12 Apr 2018 (Maras, Peru): We’re having an over-the-top, 8-course lunch today at a very new (6 weeks) restaurant in the area. The chef owns Central in Lima, which we learned on the Netflix show, Chef’s Table, is one of the 5 “best” restaurants in the world. He’s a big deal, I guess. 🙂
This restaurant focuses on Andean and high altitude ingredients. They have multiple anthropologists on staff (visibly pounding away at their laptops), because they’re aggressively trying to document the flavors and uses of the thousands of plants here known only orally to the Quechua-speaking locals. It was cool, super interesting, and really quite delicious. Here’s our favorite course (and some closeups): some-kind-of-special-corn-that-only-grows-here crisps, a really magnificent salad, and lamb tartar with flowers in it. And a cream sauce. YUMMM!
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